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The Currant Shed Wedding Photos in McLaren Vale, South Australia
Shelley and Wayne are expats, living in Singapore. Both have worked hard to get to their positions and are at the top levels at what they do. What I found most endearing about the two of them, is their strong sense of family. Well travelled, they are not ones to succumb to the status quo, rather, choosing to fulfil their life with meaningful people and events – at the heart of it all, their two beautiful sons. Almost everyone at the wedding arrived from interstate and overseas – which to me, is a testimony of the strength of the relationships they have formed around them. They are living the best life they possibly can – and one of the reasons we have joined their wedding story today – their family already established. Their romance is one that one that runs deep and filled with beautiful memories. When I first connected with Shelley, I was excited to hear they were getting married at the Currant Shed. My wife and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary there, the setting is tranquil and to me, sums up the Fleurieu Peninsula so perfectly. Food, Vines and views of the Sea – which is why I love taking wedding photos in McLaren Vale!
Shelley is a creative director based out of Singapore, so I knew her wedding, from start to finish, would be styled perfectly to her vision. From the design of the stationary, to the layout of the tables and colours, the venue looked perfect. Wayne was a man of the world, having spent lots of time in Sydney, Europe, America and now Singapore, he’s formed strong bonds with his friends – and has impeccable taste. It was fitting that they chose to have their ceremony and reception at the same location. It meant we didn’t have to travel to multiple locations for the perfect shot – which can sometimes take over when taking wedding photos in McLaren Vale. Because of this, I was able to concentrate on capturing the moments that mattered to them both – spending time with their family, friends, and their two beautiful boys. For privacy reasons of course, I’ve only shared a few of the many beautiful moments throughout the cocktail and reception.
For me, being able to share this day with Shelley and Wayne was filled with special moments, from the getting ready with a first look with her father – to the moment they shared their vows with each other, whilst their two boys were by their side. Culminating in one of the best “Best Man” speeches I’ve heard in a while, to the dance floor which was set alight by DJ Driller (one of the best here in SA) and lit by bulb lighting – it was a truly beautiful and well thought out wedding. Shelley and Wayne, I’m honestly so thankful for choosing me to document your special day. You filled it with so much meaning and personal touches, I hope you and your family enjoy the photos for many years to come. Here’s a little peek.
Venue: The Currant Shed | Styling: Shelley Jones | Dress: Karen Willis Holmes | Florist: Melissa – Tynte Street | Cake: Angel Wedding Cakes | Makeup: Olivia Columbo | Hair: Isabelle Paige Psarras | DJ: Driller Jet Armstrong | Event Lighting: Bulb Lighting
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