Carclew House, Adelaide CBD Wedding | Tanja + Shaun

16 September 2017

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Carclew House Wedding, Adelaide

Tanja & Shaun are your “A-Typical” friendly couple. They seriously are the type of people you’d just want to spend a sunday session with, talking about travels and good times in general.

We are that couple…in high school. We were friends for about a year before we had a date.”

The wedding was planned, top to bottom, by Tanja, who is a graphic designer by trade – and all the fine details executed by Shaun, who is an engineer. Between the two of them, they planned the most colourful and relaxed wedding I’ve been to yet.

In the lead up to weddings, I usually have a chat to my couples about timeline. Tanja & Shaun were adamant they wanted to have some nice photos near the wedding venue and to have a lot of fun with their bridal party, who were after all, some of their dearest friends. We decided upon some locations in the city, and caught an uber! The best part about this, was we maximised the time spent at each place and we were able to document all the best parts of the day during portraits.

When days unfold like this, it seriously make my job easy – documenting this kind of love is why I jump out of bed every morning.

On a personal note, thanks for sharing your day with me Tanja and Shaun, I really had the best time with your crew, and I know these photos are just the tip of the iceberg for the party you had on the night!
